The Power of Music

I just returned from my gig at the Julius Richardson Hospital today in Montreal. Every month I sing and play guitar & ukulele for the residents there, many of whom are recovering from strokes. What a gift to be able to play the music that I love, for people who are so appreciative and grateful. I play everything from jazz standards, to traditional folk songs, and even throw in a little Johnny Cash from time to time. It is amazing to see the dispositions of the residents change throughout the course of the show.
Today when I walked into the room, a woman was sitting on a couch, hunched over, looking so tired and sad. After I played the first song “Home on the Range”, she started to perk up, and by the time I played “Que Sera Sera”, she was singing, smiling and tapping her feet to the music. It was quite miraculous to see. On the other side of a room sat a man in a wheel chair who wasn’t very responsive. When I played a traditional Jewish song, he immediately started singing, moving in his chair and clapping his hands with enthusiasm. He proceeded to sing along to “Edelweiss,” “You are My Sunshine” and even did the actions with me to “Swing Low Sweet Chariot.”
I feel blessed to have the opportunity to bring some joy and light into peoples lives through music. The truth is, I receive an equal amount of joy and light from them.
My heart is happy today.
Thanks for reading.
Jennifer xo