Rialto Theatre – CD Launch!
Throw a Penny in the Wishing Well CD Launch!
Sunday, September 30th at 11 a.m. at the Rialto Theatre in Montreal Tickets go on sale in August! Stay tuned for more details.
Calling Tony Bennet’s Manager!
I’ve always dreamed big and challenge myself to go beyond my comfort zone. When it comes to something I truly believe in, I will go all out, 100%, full guns blazing. And for this project, I have pulled out all the stops. Continue reading
Finding the musicians!
An album is only as good as the players who play on it. Way back in 1997 I attended a jazz vocal workshop at the Banff Center for the Arts. It was facilitated by jazz legends Sheila Jordan (once married to Charlie Parker) and Jay Clayton. Continue reading
Finding the Recording Studio
One of the most important parts of recording an album is finding the right studio. I had recorded at Studio Piccolo back in 2003 when I recorded my first album “Songs for You” and had had an amazing experience. Continue reading
I feel like I’m simply a channel, allowing the music to come through me.
I started writing songs at around the age of 12 and I’ve been writing music ever since. I still remember getting my first 4 track, plugging in the microphone, pressing record, and being so blown away when I heard my voice in the headphones. Continue reading
Photo shoot in Toronto
One thing about being a musician today, is you have to do a lot more than just write songs and practice your craft. The key is to be savvy about business and marketing, while still remaining true to yourself and your art.
Since I was going to record a new album, I decided to update my press photos. My friend and fellow singer/songwriter extraordinaire Kirsten Jones, had taken some phenomenal pictures with a photographer in Toronto named Emma-Lee, so I decided to do a photo shoot with her. Continue reading
Receiving Funding!
The seed of my second album had been planted years before, and there was a moment in August 2010 when I knew it was time to take action. There was a FACTOR deadline coming up and I made the commitment to submit an application for the “sound recording” loan. Continue reading
I am now beginning a series of blog posts that will document and bring you along on the journey of the recording of my new album- culminating with the CD launch on September 30, 2012!!! Continue reading
The Power of Music

I just returned from my gig at the Julius Richardson Hospital today in Montreal. Every month I sing and play guitar & ukulele for the residents there, many of whom are recovering from strokes. What a gift to be able to play the music that I love, for people who are so appreciative and grateful. I play everything from jazz standards, to traditional folk songs, and even throw in a little Johnny Cash from time to time. It is amazing to see the dispositions of the residents change throughout the course of the show. Continue reading
Back from KindieFest – Reflections on my journey to Brooklyn
Well, it’s been 2.5 weeks since my return and I’m still processing it all. I had a bad case of food poisoning just before I left, postponed my flight by a day, and managed to (just barely) make it through a turbulent flight and a chaotic cab ride in rush-hour traffic, from Newark Airport to Brooklyn.
Although I wasn’t in the best shape, I managed to make some great connections, meet some wonderful people and see where I may and may not fit in in the Kindie music scene. (Kindie= Independent musicians making music for kids and families)
Here are a few incites from the trip: Continue reading